Do It Yourself Vaginal Steaming Tips; How To Clean Your Vagina With Efirin
You must have heard of V-steaming or yoni steaming before, those are used to refer to Vaginal steaming. It is a process that requires you to infuse herbs in boiling water which you seat on to allow steam penetrate inside of the vaginal for the purpose of keeping the vaginal clean and healthy.
Vaginal hygiene is incredibly important, but you don’t have to do much for it. A healthy vagina will clean itself, using the healthy bacteria in it. The only steps for hygiene you should take include urinating after sex (to clean out the bacteria) No scrubbing, no excessive washing, and try to avoid douching. Remember that the body is quite capable of keeping itself clean and by overdoing it, all you do is upset your body’s natural functions which leave room for the bad bacteria to come in.
In this post, we have highlighted how you can Stem your Vagina using African Basil Leaf Also known as Efirin, A plant that can easily be found around you.
It is a total do it yourself method to help you to avoid or get rid of some vagina troubles such as odor, bacterial infections, itching and more.