May 11, 2021 – Green Remedies International

Top Nigerian Smoothie for PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder causing irregular periods in some women and prolonged bleeding in others. it affects women of reproductive age causing them to have unwanted hair growth and male kind of baldness due excessive male hormones.

Women with PCOS may find it difficult to get pregnant due to irregular menstruations, ovulatory failure, heavy prolonged bleeding and lack of menstruation. Some may get regular period but may fail to ovulate.

Infertility is common among women with PCOS But they can still get pregnant and still sustain a full-term pregnancy. One main way to achieve this is to take their diet serious, eat food that are beneficial to the condition. in this article, we will be looking at those food and some Nigerian smoothie that has to be taken regular to regulate to prepare the body for pregnancy and put symptoms of PCOS in check. keep reading!

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