Green Remedies International Herbal solution you can trust! Sat, 01 Apr 2023 11:04:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Green Remedies International 32 32 Signs It’s Time to Clean Up the Toxins in Your Body Thu, 18 Nov 2021 16:13:53 +0000 Toxins are harmful, poisonous substance in the body. Our body is exposed to various physical and environmental sources that invites these toxins. Toxins can also be accumulated internally without an external agent. This is particularly common when food isn’t properly digested. Toxins are common, they get stored in our body and it is when it gets to a particular level that it becomes harmful and hence the need for detoxification. Detoxification or detoxication is the act of removing these toxins from the body.

This short article lists signs that your body needs detoxification and how to detoxify.

1. Unexplained weight gain

Lipophilic toxins are toxins in the body that produces fat as it stores toxins into the system. These toxins cause fat to the body and the result is that it is almost impossible to lose weight regardless of how much you try. The only solution to lose such weight is to remove such toxins from the body by detoxification.


2. Excess desire and crave for sweet things

An excess craving for sugar is a bad thing, and a sign that something isn’t right. This wouldn’t just damage some cells in the body, but also risk the sugar level going high. Detoxifying in this situation is the best thing to do as it balances the system by eradicating unnecessary substance in the system.


3. Fatigue

Some toxins in the body can make the adrenal gland function inappropriately, causing adrenal fatigue. This makes you feel lazy and sleepy even when you have had decent amount of sleep. This is caused when the toxin builds up and cause imbalance and disruption in communication between the adrenal and the brain.


Also Read: Causes of Body Weakness and Helpful Natural Home Remedies


4. Unpleasant Smell

When these toxins accumulate in the body over a long period of time, it can lead to unwanted smells like body odour. The body naturally tries to detoxify itself. If you discover that despite keeping good hygiene, using the good deodorant or trying hard to expel every form of offensive odour from the body or mouth, the offensive smell still finds its way to be a cause of embarrassment. It’s time to help the body. You should consider detoxifying immediately.

5. Skin reaction

The liver is the main agent that detoxifies the body. But when the liver malfunctions like having too much toxins, other organ like the skin will give a helping hand as the skin also eliminate waste through sweating. This isn’t the main job of the skin and would thus the skin to react. This would cause you to have acne, eczema, boil, skin rashes or even body odour.

6. Constipation

It is important for the body to remove waste correctly daily. Constipation occurs when waste in the body moves too slowly through the digestive tract or cannot be eliminated effectively. This happens when toxins buildup in the bloodstream and makes it difficult function properly.

7. Unable to sleep properly

The cortisol and melatonin are hormones in the body that makes you sleep or stay awake. The cortisol particularly deals with stress and can make you stay awake. When too much toxins buildup in the body, it can make the cortisol or sometimes even the melatonin malfunction thereby sending the wrong message. Too much toxins might not be the only cause Insomnia. However, it is better to detoxify when you can’t explain your sleeplessness.


I’d discuss the simplest and the most effective way to detoxify your body today.

Cleanse your body system from harmful toxins today with The NATO FLUSHA Herbal Capsules

Nato Flusha Herbal Capsule is the Ultimate Solution to…

  • Detoxify the body system by Flushing out Bad Toxins and Infection Causing Bacterial
  • Manage Weight Loss & Fat Burning
  • Promote healthy Inflammatory Response
  • Re-awaken All Dead Cells in the Body
  • Clear Gonorrhea
  • Yeast Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Chlamydia
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • And Many More Without Any Possible Comeback Ever Again!



Nato Flusha helps you to detoxify the 7 elimination pathways of the body such as liver, blood, colon, skin, kidney and the lymphatic system to lose weight, clear bacterial infections and harmful toxins.


Click the image below to get The NATO FLUSHA Herbal Capsules immediately

The unknown Truth about Staphylococcus Aureus and why it can lead Anyone to Early Grave Thu, 18 Nov 2021 12:33:38 +0000 There is about 20% probability that you have some staphylococcus bacteria inside you now. In fact, about 25% of people normally carry staph in the nose, mouth, or even genital area, and don’t have symptoms of an infection. That isn’t something to worry about though, unless they go deep into your bloodstream then it has serious consequences.

Staphylococcus, or Staph for short is a group of bacteria of which there are over 30 different types. A very common type known as Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous and causes most infections.

Treatment usually involves doctors prescribing antibiotics. However, some staph infections no longer respond to common antibiotics. And even in severe cases, the infection can lead to serious health implication or even worse, sepsis or death.

This article will discuss some symptoms that shows you might likely have staphylococcus aureus so you can treat it fast. It’ll also prescribe a remedy to cure any stubborn staph.



Skin infection caused by staph is the most common and easily noticeable one. Common symptoms of this infection include:


Boil: The most common result of staph infection on the skin is boil. It contains filled pus and the skin over the infected area usually becomes red and swollen.

Cellulitis: Staph is actually the most common cause of cellulitis. Cellulitis is a common but severe bacterial skin infection that spreads rapidly and can be cause serious health risk and even become life-threatening. Cellulitis causes skin redness, swelling, itching and pain in the infected part of the skin.


Impetigo: Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin that causes red sores on the face or sometimes, other parts of the body like the arm or stomach. The sores after few days, ruptures, break open and ooze, then form a yellow-brown crust. It is most common in young children.

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS): Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome is the result of Staph Infection releasing toxins and poisons into the body. The symptom includes peeling skin over large parts of the body as though burned, fever, and sometimes large blisters. This is most common among children.

2. Food poisoning

Food poisoning symptoms are severe. The food we eat can be contaminated with staph, whereby the bacteria increase and produce toxins. And these can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, low blood pressure and dehydration. This usually occur just hours after taking the contaminated food.


Also Read: What You Should Know About Staphylococcal Food Poisoning

3. Toxic Shock Syndrome

The symptoms include: terrible fever, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, low blood pressure, muscle aches, seizures. This occurs when the staph bacteria get into your bloodstream and produces deadly toxins.


Taking some necessary health hygiene and precaution can help prevent the Staphylococcus infection.

Wash your hand regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for about 30 seconds. Do this especially before and after eating, handling anything you suspect dirty, handling trash or waste, handling animals or poultry product and after using the bathroom



The doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotic drugs to treat staph infection. A number of antibiotics are available to treat staph infections, and the doctor will choose one that will work best based on the infection you have. However, some staph infections no longer respond to common antibiotics. Many will confirm that they have tried various antibiotics and it has yielded no result. That is because Staphylococcus Bacteria is a very stubborn bacterium. It most times stays in the body for years even before revealing itself. Hence, ordinary antibiotics might not be a permanent solution.

A permanent remedy to all form of Staph Infection is Green Remedies International’s  Natural Organic Infection Solution Pack.

This is the Ultimate Cure to All Sorts of Infection

Staphylococcus Aureus, Gonorrhea, Yeast Infections, Urinary Tract Infections, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Chlamydia, Vaginal Infections, Syphili, Trichomoniasis, Zika virus, Chlamydia, E. coli.

and Other Resistant Infections for MEN AND WOMEN

The Organic Solution Helps…

Kill the Bacteria hat Causes Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea Infection and any STDs and also dry up its symptoms.

It also contains powerful herbal ingriedients that eliminates the thick/yellowish discharge from the virginal and penis discharge due to gonorrhea infections.

It has very powerful pain killing properties that eliminate pelvic pain in men and women suffering from gonorrhea. Kills the discomfort so you can enjoy a pain free life again.

It eliminates that uncomfortable itching that embarrasses you in public places. It will totally eliminate it from your system.

It gets rid of that strange heat sensation a.k.a internal heat that you feel from time to time.

It contains natural anti-bacterial properties that kill the worm-like movement you experience in your body

It contains anti-fungal properties that treat virginal itching and candidiasis fast.

It works even if you have tried every other solution out there or have this problem for more than 5 years


These Three Organic and Natural Solution Perform 3 Stage Treatment in Your Body System.

First Stage: During the first 15 days of treatment, the Organic Solution flush out every unnecessary toxin all over your body system.

This means it clears away poisonous substance produced by bad cells or organisms be it small molecules, peptides, or wastes that are capable of causing disease.

Second Stage: At this stage, it begins to fight every disease causing bacterial, it kills all these bad bacterial by attacking the walls or coating that surround them in order to stop the growing process of any kind of infection from your body system.

Third Stage:  The Organic Infection Solution Start Healing Any Micro Organism’s Injuries which might has been done to the system during the infection. This stage helps to normalize the body completely to its normal position and helps you to be completely healthy and free.


Click here to order for The Organic Infection Solution infection with money back guarantee and 100% customer satisfaction rate. Get a cure today…

Recommended reading:

Cure Toilet Infection Today with these 5 Simple Steps

Urinary Tract Infection: 5 Ways to Get Rid of it Without Antibiotic

List Of Diseases Caused by Bacteria

Worm-Like Movement in Your Body; Everything You should Know

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6 Amazing Benefits of The Nigerian Curry Leaf That Will Make You Add Curry to Your Diet Today Tue, 02 Nov 2021 16:53:01 +0000 The Lemon Basil popularly known as Nigerian Curry is a popular herb grown primarily in northeastern Africa and southern Asia. It is known popularly for its fragrant lemon scent; it is most known for its culinary uses.

Commonly added to soups, sauces, and salads because of its aroma and flavour, the Lemon Basil leaf provides some macronutrients, such as calcium and vitamin K, as well as a range of antioxidants. The leaf is also an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin K, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, calcium, and vitamin C.

For the purpose of emphasis, Curry and Basil will be used interchangeably in this article.

Here are 6 benefits of the Lemon Basil Leaf:

1. Contains antioxidants

Curry leaf contains a range of natural antioxidants which help protect body tissues against free radical damage. Free radicals are notorious atoms that cause significant damage to the cells and put you at an increased risk of many health complications, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

These antioxidants protect white blood cells responsible for immune function, as well as cellular structures where DNA is stored and delay the effects of skin aging. They make basil a great choice for helping with inflammatory diseases. This includes: fever, common cold, stress, purifying the blood, reducing blood glucose, reducing risk of heart attacks and cholesterol level, mouth ulcer, arthritis.

2. Fights cancer

The curry leaf contains phytochemicals, which can help naturally prevent cancer, including chemical-induced skin, liver, oral, and lung cancers. It contains a lot of powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative stress and kill off cancer cells.

The curry leaf does this by increasing the antioxidant activity, altering the gene expressions, inducing cancer cell death, and inhibiting blood vessel development in the cell.

It is able to increase antioxidant activity, induce cancerous-cell apoptosis (death of harmful cells), and stop cancerous tumors from spreading.

Also Read: 6 Proven Health Benefits of Dates You didn’t know of

3. Helps control blood sugar levels

Lemon basil leaf extract is known to possess essential nutrients that reduce blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes and kidney failure. One animal study discovered that an extract of sweet basil leaves was able to reduce high blood sugar levels. The results also showed that sweet basil leaves could be useful in treating the long-term effects of high blood sugar.

It also helps to lower the blood sugar levels by affecting the insulin activity of the body. The fiber content of the leaf also plays a significant role in the lowering of blood sugar levels.

The essential oil present in the leaf also helps cut down triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which is a persistent risk factor amongst diabetics.

If you have diabetes, add curry to your diet for sure. It slows down the process of sugar release in the blood while helping you with diabetes management. According to many studies on animals and humans, it can also help counter the other health complications associated with diabetes, including hyperinsulinemia (high amount of insulin in the blood), excessive body weight, etc.

Also Read: How to Reverse Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Diabetes

4. Supports liver function

The strong detox properties in curry leaf may do wonders for your liver health preventing fat build-up in the liver thereby keeping your liver healthy.

Curry leaves are rich sources of antioxidants, which protects the liver from free radicals. The antimicrobial compounds fight against viral infection and other diseases like fatty liver. Multiple studies have shown that this herb has a positive effect on the liver.

A 2015 study in rats concluded that antioxidants in a powdered preparation that included tulsi, or holy basil, had a positive impact on liver health. The scientists applied the powder after using a toxin to induce liver injury.

Curry’s strong detox properties may do wonders for your liver health. Liver is a very essential organ for the body as it plays a crucial role in metabolism. It may help prevent fat build-up in the liver and keep your liver healthy.

5. Protecting against skin aging

The curry leaf has properties that might help protect the skin from some effects of aging.

It is suggested that including basil extracts in topical skin creams might improve skin hydration and reduce roughness and wrinkling.

The strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of basil would help prevent the formation of acne. If you have an acne problem, the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the curry leaf will help you prevent it.

While extracts of basil at certain doses may have this effect, consuming basil will not necessarily benefit the skin.

However, the antioxidants in basil and other plant-based foods may have a protective effect if a person consumes them as part of a varied diet.

Basil contains powerful and healing essential oils that cleanse your skin from deep inside. And, if you have oily skin, it is a savior for you. It also helps remove dirt and impurities that clog pores. Besides cleansing, basil also removes impurities, dirt, and grease that happen to clog your pores. All you need to do is make a thick paste with a handful of basil leaves, sandalwood powder, and rose water. Apply this pack on your face and neck, wait for 15 to 20 minutes, and wash it with cold water.

Furthermore, the leaf’s powerful oil helps cleanse the skin from within by removing dirt and impurities that clog pores. Make a paste of curry leaves, sandalwood paste, and rose water. Apply the paste on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Read Also:

Skin Types and Tips on How to Maintain Them

Skin Glow:  Easy  Skincare Tips for Nigerian Women

6. Good for Digestion

Basil fortifies the digestive and nervous system and can be a good remedy for headaches and insomnia. The eugenol present in the leaves ensures anti-inflammatory action in the digestive tract. It has anti-inflammatory properties that ensure that your digestive tract is healthy. Basil helps balance acid within the body, has a huge benefit to your digestive and nervous system and restores the body’s proper pH level.

Consumption of Curry leaf helps improve digestion and immunity by helping healthy bacteria flourish within the gut, while also decreasing harmful bacteria that can cause disease.

6 Proven Health Benefits of Dates You didn’t know of Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:12:10 +0000 Date or date palm, scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera, is a flowering plant species in the palm family, popularly known for its edible sweet fruit, single seed and sometimes dried skin.

Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates have become quite popular in recent years in Nigeria, although people are unaware of the potential benefits of adding Dates to their diets.

Dates are chewy with a sweet flavor and can be hard to crack when it is dried. They are also high in some important nutrients and have a variety of advantages and uses.


This article will discuss 6 health benefits of eating dates including to boost fertility.


Dates contains a high number of calories and carbohydrates and some proteins are where large quantity comes from.

Dates can also an amazing source of natural sugars including, glucose, fructose, and sucrose; it affords energy that the body needs and is a good alternative to consuming snacks and carbonated sugars which are rather detrimental to the body as they can make one weak, lethargic and unwilling to work. These kinds of sugar also come with an increased risk of heart disease and obesity. Historically, this is one reason why dates have been a preferred choice amongst Muslims to break their fast.

They are also a good source of fiber and various vitamins and minerals.


Antioxidants are compounds that protects you from free radicals whereby, avoiding cancer and other dangerous diseases. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or when you’re exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation.

In addition to their vitamin and rich mineral contents, dates are rich in Disease-Fighting antioxidants. Dates are a good source of natural antioxidants the body needs. It’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compounds can also be used for combating diseases such as heart disease or even cancer, it also reduced the risk of them.

Research has proven that dates contain many antioxidants, including carotenoids, phenolic acid and polyphenols.


Dates with its antioxidant content, helps with the regulation of blood sugar and diabetes. Diabetes is caused by lack of blood sugar control and high blood sugar might be detrimental for people treating diabetes. Dates has elements, like high fiber that may improve insulin production, and this helps keep a person’s blood sugar levels stable.

Read Also: How to Reverse Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Diabetes


Dates contain many compounds that protects the brain. Dates may be helpful for lowering inflammation and preventing plaques from forming ion the brain, which is actually important for preventing Alzheimer’s disease. A study led by Musthafa Mohamed Essa, Ph.D. et al. suggest that dates may protect against oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. According to research, “Date palm fruits are a good source of dietary fiber and are rich in total phenolics and natural antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ferulic acid, protocatechuic acid, and caffeic acid”. The presence of these polyphenolic compounds may potentially help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Regular consumption of dates has also proven to boost the thinking and learning process of both young and older individuals.


Pregnant women have an increase need for nutrients, and as the need for nutrient in pregnant increases, the
abundance availability of the required nutrient in dates makes it a must for
pregnant women.

Dates strengthens the immunity of the mother and her unborn child. They are a great remedy to treat hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women. They occur because of a fiber deficiency which dates are rich in.

Many studies have shown that eating
dates can ease late-term labour in pregnant women. This is particular useful during the last weeks of pregnancy to promote natural labour.

Read Also: 6 Nigerian Superfood for Breastfeeding mothers

Read Also: 6 Fastest Ways to Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count


Antioxidants are important when it comes to reproductive fertility, which dates has abundance of antioxidants. They provide strong hormones, strong vitals, and safer environments for eggs and sperm to live in.

Studies using rat have found that date fruit extracts can improve the process of spermatogenesis and the concentration of male sex hormones, they can decrease the percentage of dead sperm and maintain healthy sperm production.

The antioxidant nutrients in date fruits have also been shown to improve female fertility by reducing the oxidative effects on oogenesis (the formation of mature female eggs) and embryonic microenvironment, thus may have a direct effect on improving female egg quality, implantation and early embryonic development.

Read Also: How to Increase Fertility in the 30s

The 4 Easy Steps to Cure Stubborn Fibroids Without Surgery Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:42:24 +0000 Uterine fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyomas or fibroids are abnormal, non-cancerous growths in a woman’s uterus especially during childbearing age. The growths are more common from age 30 to the early stage of menopause. The growths which are tumors, are usually benign and smooth but not cancerous. Some women experience abdominal pain, menstrual bleeding or painful or heavy periods while in most cases, most women have no symptoms. If large enough, they may push on the bladder causing a frequent need to urinate. They may also cause pain during sex or lower back pain. A woman can have one uterine fibroid or many. Occasionally, fibroids may make it difficult to become pregnant.  Uterine fibroids can be associated with infertility, recurrent miscarriage, labor complications, early labor or other pregnancy problems. They also make breech births more likely. Because of the increase in labor complications and breech births, patients with uterine fibroids are six times more likely to give birth via caesarian section. The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unclear.  However, fibroids run in families and appear to be partly determined by hormone levels.

This short article will give four different ways to suppress the pain of fibroid and to cure it without needing surgery. Please read till the end as the most important remedy was left last. 

Certain remedies and natural treatments can have a positive effect on fibroids, including:

1     Diet

2     Lifestyle changes/ Regular Exercise (Losing weight)

3     Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

4     Organic Fibroid Crusher

Read Also: 7 Things You Should Know if You have Fibroid

1.    DIET

Keeping a healthy diet may help keep fibroids from growing and minimize your symptoms, while consuming some things can be detrimental or trigger the growth of fibroids.

Things To Avoid

Oestrogen-increasing foods

Oestrogen is a hormone that plays a massive role in both women and men fertility. However, excesso estrogen might increase the risk for fibroids or worsen them. Some foods contain natural ingredients that mimic the oestrogen in the body, called phytoestrogens. Other foods can trigger your system to produce more oestrogen. Some of these foods may positive or no negative effect when consumed in moderate quantity, but will have negative effects when consumed in high quantity. Eliminating them may help regulate oestrogen levels. It is better to limit foods such as:

Foods that Increase Oestrogen:

Red meat, fats, ice cream, chocolate, cream, alcohol, butter, soy milk, soy beans, cheese.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Drinking alcohol may increase risk of growing fibroids. This is due to the fact that alcohol raises the level of hormones that grows fibroid or cause inflammation. It is best to avoid or limit alcohol to help reduce your risk. Your risk of fibroids is high if you drink alcohol, particularly beer, as beer contains high levels of phytoestrogens.

Experts also conclude that smoking may increase periodical pain as it reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your pelvic region.

Avoid Red Meat
Avoid red meats, and high-fat dairy. Studies show that eating too much red meat can make your fibroids worse. Studies also show that a high intake of red meat, increases fibroid risk, while fish decreases it. 

Avoid Sugar

Sugary foods or ordinary carbohydrates may trigger the growth of fibroids as they increase blood sugar levels which is bad for fibroid. This makes your body produce excess insulin, and excess insulin can cause weight gain which may increase the growth of fibroid in the body. Eating a high-sugar diet can lead to a higher risk of fibroids.

Avoid refined sugars such as: soda and sugary drinks, glucose, table sugar, corn syrup, white bread, rice, pasta, flour


Things To Eat

Fruits and Vegetables

A recent study concluded that eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables gives you a high chance to lower the risk of developing fibroids and improve symptoms. Fruits and vegetables provide rich amounts of oxidants and disease-fighting nutrients which can help battle fibroids. High intake of fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes and apples also reduce fibroid risk by blocking crucial signalling pathways that encourage fibroid growth.


Taking more fruits, foods or supplements with Vitamins D & A makes you less likely to have the uterine fibroids. Vitamins D shrinks fibroid and may also help reduce the risk of fibroids drastically. In fact, having low level of Vitamin D increase the risk of fibroids. Take things such as: Oily fish, vegetables or egg yolks.

Read Also: 4 Types of Fibroid, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

2.    Lifestyle changes/ Regular Exercise (Losing weight)

Exercise reduces the amount of oestrogen and progesterone
in your bloodstream, as well as your insulin levels, lowering your risk of
fibroids. The benefits of exercise are even greater for women who eat a
balanced diet and try to maintain a healthy weight. Studies show that women who
exercise regularly and keep a healthy weight have fewer case of fibroid growth.
Certain healthy lifestyle can help improve symptoms associated with fibroids,
such as painful or heavy periods and depression. These include: regular
exercise, breathing exercises, eating a healthful diet. Obesity and excess
weight can increase the risk for uterine fibroids. This happens because fat
cells make high amounts of oestrogen. Hence, shedding weight may help prevent
or reduce the size of fibroids. Additionally, managing your stress levels while
losing weight has potential benefit to women with fibroids.

Read Also: FIBROID: What They Are And How to Treat Them

3.    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, Lupron, can reduce fibroid pain, but they do not reduce bleeding. These drugs are available to purchase in pharmaceutical stores or online. But they are however scarce to get sometimes, expensive, and do not give permanent solution, albeit reduce the pain. So how can you get rid of fibroid permanently without surgery? Please read on to find out the best way to cure any fibroid faster with 99.9% success rate.

4. The Organic Fibroid Crusher Pack 

The Organic Fibroid Crusher Pack Consist of an Organic Fibroid Solution  Drugs made from Natural Ingredients right from the USA and Imported to Nigeria to make a Permanent Solution to Fibroid and Infertility Issues.

This is an Organic Solution made with pure herbs from nature and it has been made available in tablet form for easy consumption.

This unique formula works to naturally prime women’s bodies to maintain a healthy reproductive system in order to help improve the overall wellness of the uterine lining and muscles. It also helps to relieve menstrual cramps, reduce bloating, and promote hormone balance.


  • Dissolves all type of fibroids inside or outside the womb
  • Anti-Tumour and Anti-Inflammatory
  • Shrink uterine fibroid effectively and prevent recurrence
  • Inhibit growths of fibroid cell/tissue and restores uterine health
  • Tones the uterine lining, heal adenomyosis and normalize bulky/enlarged uterus
  • 100% natural without negative side effects.
  • Reduces blood clotting, bloating, pressure, cramps and PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome)
  • Regulates menstrual flow
  • Helps balance hormones levels, boost fertility
  • Potent detox abilities to help relieve pelvic congestion, abdominal heaviness and stagnation, which cause large fibroid to shrink rapidly.

What Does the Organic Fibroid Crusher Contains?

Organic Fibroid Crush is a complete Fibroid Eliminator Programme which contains 3 different therapy that will help you to get rid of fibroid for life.  In major cases, there are three major systems to get rid of fibroid and all its symptoms from your system which are

1.  Through Our Organic and Herbal Solutions

2.  Diet therapy

3.  Lifestyle Changes

In the past, we have had cases where just 1 of the above therapy help our fibroid patients to get rid of fibroid depending on the case.

But, in this Organic Fibroid Crusher programme, we are combining the 3 Therapy together within the 90 days of the treatment, that means… The Herbal Solution, the Diet Therapy and Lifestyle Changes… which will help Crush any type of fibroid in your body system and also eliminate their particles completely so that you never have to worry about fibroid again for life.

So, Here Are What You Are Getting through the Organic Fibroid Crusher…

100% Natural Herbal Products

The Fibroid Remedy Kit contains different kinds of herbal products that help to shrink and get rid of fibroids and also Herbal products for liver cleansing, body cleansing as well as fertility cleaning.

Contained in the package are also herbs for hormone balancing, especially oestrogen hormones and fertility improvement.

For those who experience excessive bleeding caused by fibroid, there will be additional herbs to help you overcome this as well pains and other unpleasant symptoms of fibroid too.

Home-Made Anti-Tumour Recipes

The Fibroid Remedy Kit contains different kinds of herbal products that help to shrink and get rid of fibroids and also Herbal products for liver cleansing, body cleansing as well as fertility cleaning.

Contained in the package are also herbs for hormone balancing, especially oestrogen hormones and fertility improvement.

For those who experience excessive bleeding caused by fibroid, there will be additional herbs to help you overcome this as well pains and other unpleasant symptoms of fibroid too.

Fibroid Remedy Diet Guide

Problems with diet and lifestyle is the reason why a lot of women continue to battle with fibroid regrowth after surgery or even any fibroid treatment.

This Guide is Full of home-made recipes to shrink fibroid and lifestyle changes, our Fibroid Remedy Ebook contains important information on diet, drinks, recipes, fruits, vegetables and co that women with fibroids should embrace to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally as well as those they should avoid.

Fibroid Instructional Video

Through this Video, We will be showing you the simple excercise you can ambrace just for 30 mins daily and maybe 3 days a week that will speedily help the your body push out the fibroid from your system and make you whole and healthy back while reseting your system within 90days.


How the Organic Fibroid Crusher Works

Fertility Cleansing

The fertility cleanse offers by our Organic Fibroid Crusher encourages the liver to cleanse the body of toxins and excess hormones (especially excess oestrogen) which is a major cause of fibroid growth in many women.

Our fertility cleansing herb also supports the uterus to cleanse itself of old stagnant blood and increases circulation to the uterus while tonifying the uterine tissues for improved fertility.


Menstrual Regulation

Either your mission to get rid of Fibroid is because you want to get pregnant and get your own baby, or you want to get rid of Fibroid because the you want to live a free life, maybe you are tired of the obvious symptoms like excessive bleeding, irregular flow, painful flow with clots or total absence of your period as a result of fibroid, This Organic Solutions has got you covered.

Fibroid Eliminations

This is the final and the most important stage of all.

This is the point where you start feeling the essence of the other stages in the treatment. This is where you start getting rid of fibroids and you will notice the changes

With the combination of the effect of FibClear Herbal Formula, our fibroid removal tampon and the home-made anti-tumour recipe, your fibroid cannot survive no matter the size or for how long it has been there.

With the diet and lifestyle lessons in our 30 Days Fertility Guide coupled with your lifetime access to our home-made anti-tumour recipe inside the guide, you will not only get rid of your fibroids now, you will also keep them away from you forever.

The fertility guide contains important information on diet, drinks, recipes, herbs, fruits, vegetables and co that women with fibroids should embrace to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally as well as those they should avoid.

There is no other medical or natural treatment in market that offers you this!


Uterine fibroids are common growths that occur in the uterus. In most cases, they do not cause symptoms and do not require treatment. It is evident that fibroid won’t kill a woman but it can affect her ability to reproduce or to have a normal balanced life. Most times, surgery is taken out to remove the tumour, but it is however not always necessary. You can go with natural remedies like the organic fibroid crusher that comes at a low cost. Click here to get the organic fibroid crusher. Or click the image below to see other testimonies and other benefits of the organic fibroid crusher.

     Recommended Readings:
·        FIBROID: What They Are And How to Treat Them
·       7 Things You Should Know if You have Fibroid
·        4 Types of Fibroid, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
·        How to Calculate the Menstrual Cycle & Ovulation Period
·        Tips for Getting Pregnant with Low Sperm Count using African Natural Remedy
·        Asherman Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Treatment
·        Menstrual Disorder: What Every Woman Should Know
·        Nigerian Herbs that increase fertility?

Cure Toilet Infection Today with these 5 Simple Steps Tue, 28 Sep 2021 11:20:23 +0000

Yeast Infection, popularly known as toilet infection is a fungal infection called Candida albicans. It causes pain, itching, or inflammation in the genital area of a female. It may sometimes occur in the penis or scrotum area of the male, albeit not as common. Toilet infections are generally uncomfortable for both male and female which often displays symptoms like itching, pain on urination, bad odour and general discomfort in the private area

Read on to learn more about the symptoms of Yeast Infection and five fastest ways to treat the infection.


The most common symptoms include but are not restricted to:

Itching and bleeding in the genital area, inflammation of the vulva, vaginal discharge, pain or burning during urination, pain during sexual intercourse.





4.      TEA-TREE OIL

5.      GARLIC

5.    GARLIC

Garlic is known to have positive biological effects on our immune system, fighting cancers, the Candida fungus which causes yeast infection, and other conditions. Garlic is known to have allicin, an antibacterial and antifungal property and is sometimes used for medical treatment.

Although, there might be no research evidence that proves that garlic is a cure for yeast infection, it’s allicin properties prevents yeast infections and smoothens the pain that comes with the symptoms. Garlic cream is also an option for external use. This is used by applying the cream on the genital area. Take caution if you have a sensitive skin, and discontinue immediately if you feel burning or discomfort. It advised to use this method as a prescription. Never attempt putting the garlic inside your vagina as a female.

See Also: Vaginal Infection: Different types and best way to get rid of them


4.      TEA-TREE OIL

The tea tree oil is an oil rich with antifungal properties that kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, including Candida albicans.  In fact, a study in 2015 discovered that vaginal suppositories that contains tea tree oil could work as an antifungal that fights candida albicans. Some women report relief after using such suppositories or from using the oil diluted. Extreme caution must be used when using tea tree oil, it should not be used undiluted, as it can lead to skin irritation. It can be mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. Take caution if you have a sensitive skin, and discontinue immediately if you feel discomfort. It advised to use this method as a prescription.

Read Also: Toilet Infection; 5 Nigerian Herbs to Use and Flush it out


Coconut oil has antifungal properties that is effective in fighting against Candida albicans, the fungi that causes the toilet infection. It can also be used as a carrier oil for other powerful essential oils like the tea tree oil. Coconut oil is available in local stores or online. However, when buying, ensure you an organic, pure coconut oil as buy a counterfeit or one not suited for the skin might have adverse effects. To treat the yeast infection using coconut oil, gently apply the oil on your genital area externally. Although, this is a powerful method it is still advisable to consult an expert to know if it suits you.

2. Antifungal Medications

A very effective method to treat fungal infections is to use antifungal medications They are available in various forms, including oral medications, pessaries, creams and ointments. You can purchase them over the counter, online or in pharmacies. And can be used without prescription. Antifungal medications are the most effective ways to kill the infection and they come in different measures and prices (see number 1). Such antifungal cream includes:

·        Miconazole, sold under the brand name Monistat among others.

·        fluconazole, sold under the brand name Diflucan among others.

·        Terconazole, sold under the brand name Terazol 7 among others (prescription needed).

·        Butoconazole, sold under the brand name gynazole among others.

·        Clotrimazole, sold under the brand name Lotrimin, among others.

·        Bifonazole, sold under the brand name Canespor, among others (used in form of ointments).

Although these are very effective methods, they also come with the drawback of being expensive or sometimes difficult to get. This brings us to the most reliable and affordable option. In number 1.

Read Also:  The Strongest Antibiotics for Infection in Nigeria

1.  Organic Infection solution Pack

The Organic Solution Helps…

·        Kills the Bacteria That Causes Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea Infection and any STDs and also Dry Up Its Symptoms.

·        It Also Contains Powerful Herbal Ingredients. That Eliminates the Thick/Yellowish Discharge from The Virginal and Penis Discharge Due to Gonorrhea Infections.

·        It Has Very Powerful Pain Killing Properties that Eliminate Pelvic Pain in Men and Women Suffering from Gonorrhea. Kills The Discomfort So You Can Enjoy a Pain Free Life Again.

·        It Eliminates That Uncomfortable Itching That Embarrasses You in Public Places. It Will Totally Eliminate It from Your System.

·        It Gets Rid of That Strange Heat Sensation a.k.a Internal Heat That You Feel from Time to Time.

·        It Contains Natural Anti-Bacterial Properties That Kill the Worm-Like Movement You Experience in Your Body

·        It Contains Anti-Fungal Properties That Treat Virginal Itching and Candidiasis fast.

·        It works even if you have tried every other solution out there or have this problem for more than 5 years

These Natural Solutions Work Through 3 Stages…

These Three Organic and Natural Solution Perform 3 Stage Treatment in Your Body System:

First Stage:  During the First 15 Days of Treatment, the Organic Solution Flush Out Every Unnecessary Toxins all over your body system.

This means it clears away poisonous substance produced by bad cells or organisms be it small molecules, peptides, or wastes that are capable of causing disease.

Second Stage:  At this stage, it begins to Fight Every Disease-Causing Bacteria, It Kills all these Bad Bacteria by Attacking the walls or coating that Surround them in order to stop the growing process of ANY kind of infection from your body system.

Third Stage:  The Organic Infection Solution Start Healing Any Micro Organism’s Injuries which might has been done to the system during the infection. This stage helps to normalize the body completely to its normal position and helps you to be completely healthy and free.


Yeast infection is common, especially amongst females, at least 60% of every woman you’ve encountered have had the yeast or toilet infection on time or the other. Hence, it shouldn’t be a shameful thing to admit you have one. Instead of dying in silence, consult help or at least use any of the method that works for you. However, it is better to use a solution that is inexpensive and has many testimonies. This is where our Organic Infection solution Pack comes in. It works not only for Yeast Infection, but for all forms of Infection as listed in number one above and provides solution the fastest. Don’t die in silence, kill that infection today.

Click here for the Organic Infection Solution Pack

6 FASTEST WAYS TO BOOST MALE FERTILITY AND INCREASE SPERM COUNT Mon, 27 Sep 2021 15:52:46 +0000 Fertility refers to the ability to reproduce naturally, through normal sexual activity. Infertility will then mean the inability to conceive. Infertility could be caused by the male or the female. It is estimated that around 30% infertility is traced to the man. 30% is traced to the woman. The male infertility might be as a result of low sperm count or poor sperm quality, or attributed to sexual function.

Read on to discover 5 surest ways to boost sperm count and conceive immediately.


1.      Quit Smoking

2.      Limit Alcohol

3.      Get enough exercise and reduced weight

4.      Relax and minimize stress and sleep

5.      Eat more antioxidant-rich foods

6.    Use Medications: The Male Natural Fertility Pack


     There are many vital reasons to quit the smoking habit and of them is to improve your health and increase your fertility. A 2016 study found that smoking reduced sperm count. The research concluded that people who smoked had a lower sperm quality than people who don’t smoke. Smoking affects the sperm health, decreasing the sperm quality, sperm motility, sperm count, and even erectile dysfunction. The good news is that a man who quits smoking can see a positive result as quick as three months after he stops, as it takes three months for sperm to develop.


High intake of alcohol can result to infertility. Alcohol causes issues like, lower sperm count, difficulty in holding erection for long, poor testosterone levels. Testosterone is the male sex hormone found in the male. They are important to regulate male sexual development and functions and essential for the production of sperm. And alcohol is known to affect the production of testosterone in the body. When the production of testosterone is affected in the body, it results in low sperm production which causes infertility.

Read Also: 8 Easy Tips For Men to Increase Their Fertility


Several studies have suggested that weight loss and exercise can help improve sperm production and quality. Engaging in regular exercise can improve fertility and boost the level of testosterone produced in the body. Simple exercises like bicycling, jogging, running, walking or even weight lifting can help improve sperm production. Additionally, overweight can lead to lower sperm counts. Being overweight affects the hormonal balance in the body, it can lead to low testosterone production and affect the quality of sperm production. Having the right weight by exercising and eating healthily can increase the fertility of a man.




Stress can reduce sexual function and affect sperm production. Several research have concluded that a man who is constantly stressed, emotionally or physically, is more likely to have a low sperm count and reduced sexual activity. Studies says stress may cause the release glucocorticoids, which could reduce testosterone levels and affect the
production of sperm. Although stress might be a daily routine, if you are
serious about conceiving, it is the duty of you and your partner to purposefully decide not to put yourself in too much stress. You can reduce your daily work-load, relax and sleep well, do not over-think about your predicament, engage in exercise and other hobbies you love to do, spend time with family and friends. Or go further by seeking therapy.




     There are evidences that proves that having a healthy diet plays a massive role in improving male fertility. Eating a food that nourishes the body will have a knock-on effect on the quality of sperm production. Choosing a good diet like fruits, fresh vegetables, Vitamin C and E which are antioxidants might prove useful in improving semen quality and fertility. Avoiding foods with too much fat is also advised.


Even after using the above natural remedies, it is also better to use products that a tailor-made for such issues and works different wonders in the body. This is where The Male Natural Fertility Pack comes to play.

The Male Natural Fertility Pack Offers Lasting and Guaranteed Natural Solution For:

Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)


This is most often the cause of male infertility. The vast majority of male infertility issues stem from a low sperm count. A low sperm count happens when a man’s semen doesn’t’ have enough sperm. The Male Infertility Remedy Kit contains highly potent herbal formula that will naturally boost your sperm count and your SFA will confirm this after using it.

No/Zero Sperm (Azoospermia)

Azoospermia is defined as the complete lack of sperm in the ejaculate. It occurs in 5% of infertile men. If this is the case, then one or both of two conditions below may be present;

1. There is a problem with sperm production.

2. There is a blockage such that sperm production, although normal, cannot reach the ejaculate.

No matter what the cause of your azoospermia is, it will be taken care of with the Kit.


Low Sperm Motility

This is the next most common cause of male infertility. If a man’s sperm don’t move forward at a reasonable rate to catch up with the egg produced by his partner for fertilization, you’re going to have a hard time impregnating a woman.

If you currently have low motility, be rest assured that your sperm will come alive and the motility will increase with the use of the Kit.


Abnormal Sperm (Morphology issues)

When a man’s sperm aren’t developing correctly and have an abnormal shape, it will affect as the sperm won’t be able to fertilize an egg and this will lead to infertility. This is another prevailing cause of infertility in men and the good news is that it can be corrected with herbs with no side effect.


A varicocele is a swelling of the veins that drain the testicle. It’s the most common reversible cause of male infertility. Although, the exact reason that varicoceles cause infertility is unknown, it may be related to abnormal testicular temperature regulation. Varicoceles result in reduced quality of the sperm.



Some infections can interfere with sperm production or sperm health or can cause scarring that blocks the passage of sperm. These include inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis) or testicles (orchitis) and some sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea or HIV.

A treatment for infertility won’t be complete without having something to detox the body of infections and unwanted toxins and free radicals.


Ejaculation issues

Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of emerging out the tip of the penis. Various health conditions can cause retrograde ejaculation, including diabetes, spinal injuries, medications, and surgery of the bladder, prostate or urethra.


Antibodies That Attack Sperm

Anti-sperm antibodies are immune system cells that mistakenly identify sperm as harmful invaders and attempt to eliminate them.


Hormone Imbalances

Male infertility can result from disorders of the testicles themselves or an abnormality affecting other hormonal systems including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands. Low testosterone (male hypogonadism) and other hormonal problems have a number of possible underlying causes. With the Remedy Kit, be rest assured of a balanced hormone.

Defects of Tubules that Transport Sperm

Many different tubes carry sperm. They can be blocked due to various causes, including inadvertent injury from surgery, prior infections, trauma or abnormal development, such as with cystic fibrosis or similar inherited conditions.


Problems with Sexual Intercourse (Erectile Dysfunction)

These can include trouble keeping or maintaining an erection sufficient for sex (erectile dysfunction), premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, anatomical abnormalities such as having a urethral opening beneath the penis (hypospadias), or psychological or relationship problems that interfere with sex.


Low Testosterone Levels:

This Solution Increases your level of your testosterone and boost your fertility hormone.

The Natural Male Fertility Pack Contains 100% Natural Herbal Products…

Our Male Infertility Remedy Kit contains different kinds of highly potent herbal products that help to reverse infertility in men with no negative side effects – no matter the type of infertility case it involved.

That’s not all, you will also have Herbal products for liver cleansing, body cleansing as well as fertility cleaning to cleanse your entire body system of toxin


Contained in the package are also herbs for hormone balancing and fertility improvement as well as sexual performance.


Infertility in men is a common thing. Although most times it is easier to push the blame of infertility quickly to the woman, the man also play a role in the couple’s lack of reproduction. Low sperm count or quality is the major reason why a man is unable to reproduce. The good thing is that there is a solution to this, following all or some of the above step gives a 99.9% chance of getting infertility issue solved if it is a natural cause. The good news is that with the Male Natural Fertility Pack, doing other steps would no longer become compulsory but rather necessary. Not everything is spiritual, solve your infertility issues today.

Click the image below to get the Male Natural Fertility Pack today at the ongoing promo price:

Recommended Reading:

Vaginal Infections: Different types and best way to get rid of them Sat, 04 Sep 2021 20:47:26 +0000 Are you experiencing vaginal itching, pain, or other discomfort? It could be a vaginal infection.

Medication, contraception, sexual activity, and more can make your vagina feel uncomfortable or cause changes in the smell and appearance of discharge, signaling a vaginal infection, sometimes called vaginitis.

Most often, infections are triggered by bacteria, fungus, or irritants from soap or contraceptives.  learn more about a few of the most common types of vaginal infections and symptoms here.

Yeast infections

Yeast infections might be the most well-known vaginal infection. A yeast infection develops because of fungus overgrowth in your vagina.

How do I know if I have yeast infection

The most common symptom of a yeast infection are;

  • a vaginal discharge that is typically thick,
  • odorless, and
  • whitish-gray in color. The discharge has been described as having a cottage-cheese-like consistency.
  •  Intense itching of the vaginal or genital area
  • Irritation and burning
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Redness, irritation, or soreness of the vagina or vulva in women; swelling of the vagina
Bacterial vaginosis

Your vagina naturally has bacteria. If one type of bacteria begins to grow too much, it upsets the balance. and you might develop a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis. It can be triggered by having several sex partners or a new partner, but it also affects women who aren’t sexually active.

How do I know if I have Bacterial Vaginosis

some women with bacterial vaginosis have no signs or symptoms at all. When symptoms do occur, the most common include:

  • An abnormal amount of vaginal discharge
  • The vaginal discharge is thin and grayish white.
  • Vaginal odor (foul-smelling or unpleasant fishy odor)
  • The vaginal discharge and odor are often more noticeable after sexual intercourse.
  • Pain with sexual intercourse or urination (rare symptoms).

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Certain vaginal infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse. If you have unprotected sex with someone who has an STI, you can contract it. Trichomoniasis is one of the most common STIs affecting both women and men, and symptoms can mimic those of other vaginal infections.

How do I know if I have STI

the common signs of STI are;

  • unusual discharge from the vagina, penis or anus
  • pain when peeing
  • lumps or skin growths around the genitals or anus
  • a rash
  • unusual vaginal bleeding
  • itchy genitals or anus
  • blisters and sores around the genitals or anus

What causes vaginal infections?

Vaginal infections can have several causes. common causes of vaginal infections include:

  • Bacterial infections. Certain bacteria are commonly found in your vagina. An overgrowth of these bacteria can cause bacterial vaginosis.
  • Yeast infections. Yeast infections are usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. Many things, including antibiotics, can reduce the number of antifungal bacteria in your vagina. This reduction can lead to an overgrowth of fungi and cause an infection.
  • Trichomoniasis. This vaginal infection is caused by a protozoan parasite that can be contracted through sexual intercourse.
  • Vaginal atrophy. This condition commonly occurs after menopause. It can also develop during other times in your life when your estrogen levels decline, such as while breastfeeding. Reduced hormone levels can cause vaginal thinning and dryness These can lead to vaginal inflammation.
  • Irritants. Soaps, body washes, perfumes, and vaginal contraceptives can all irritate your vagina. This can cause inflammation. Tight-fitting clothes may also cause heat rashes that irritate your vagina.

There are many other type of infections, most of which if not properly treated when the symptoms becomes obvious can lead to further complications like infertility, kidney disease or liver / heart issue.

Talking about treatment,  Over- the- counter treatment  might just manage symptoms and then the infection keeps recurring.

Presently, the best way you can treat an infection permanently  without side-effects is with the use of Organicl Infection Solution.

Aside tackling the root cause of infection by cleansing and flushing, the Organic  Infection Solution also boost your immune system to prevent any kind of infection in the future.

>>Click here now if you would like to see more Details About the Organic Infection Solution Pack and   How it Work

FIBROID: What They Are And How to Treat Them Sat, 04 Sep 2021 17:49:32 +0000

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus composed of muscle and fibrous tissues. When the normal uterine cells grow abnormally, it will develop into a benign tumor.

Fibroids are also called fibromas, myomas, or leiomyomas. These are not associated with uterine cancer and in fact, they usually do not develop into a cancer.

Uterine fibroids are very common, due to the fact that many women have fibroids at some point in their lives.

As their growth is dependent on estrogen and progesterone, they occur during the middle and late stages of the woman’s reproductive years.

They do not grow until puberty ensues and usually appears at 30 to 50 years of age. After menopause when the estrogen levels drop, they just shrink or disappear.

The composition of all fibroids is the same.

They are all made up of uterine muscle cells growing into a tight mass.

They can be classified based on the location of their growth.

Myometrial or intramural fibroids are found in the uterine muscular wall and are the most common type of fibroids.

Submucosal fibroids develop beneath the interior surface of the uterine wall but may project in the uterus.

Subserosal fibroids can grow very large on the outer wall of the uterus into the pelvis.

Pedunculated fibroids grow and attach to the outer wall of the uterus by a narrow stalk. Cervical fibroids develop in the cervical wall.

However, in many cases, they can be symptomatic.

The symptoms are produced in relation to size and location.

These include heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure,

back or leg pain,

urinary frequency,

difficulty emptying the bladder,

constipation or painful defecation,

abdominal discomfort or sensation of fullness,

or pain during intercourse.

Iron deficiency anemia may also be present due to the heavy vaginal bleeding. Fibroids may also occur along with endometriosis which causes infertility.


The urinary and gastrointestinal problems are due to the compression effect of the fibroids. In rare cases, they can develop into malignant cancers called leiomyosarcomas.


When these symptoms are present, women should immediately see their doctors. Large fibroids can be palpated during pelvic examination.


However, imaging studies such as ultrasound, hysteroscopy or hysterosonography may be performed to confirm the presence of the fibroids.


Women who are affected by this kind of condition are those that are in the range of 40-50 of age.


These women may have several kids with this age but are not yet aware unless they feel severe pain in their abdominal area.


When these women have not yet undergone any regular checkups especially when they are just starting to experience pregnancy symptoms, they would normally have no idea about the tumors that they are having.


Because these tumors don’t have any symptoms especially in the early stages, there is a great chance that women will have a hard time to tell if they are suffering from these tumors unless they have undergone any examinations.

Solution and Treatment for Fibroid

Although there are actually medicinal drugs that could lower the size of your fibroids, but seeking an alternative fibroid therapy that is efficient and harmless is a great idea.


This is due to the fact that depending on prescription drugs to shed fibroid growths usually results in detrimental negative effects.


An endorsed action for you to shrink fibroids naturally is for you to have a couple of blackstrap molasses everyday.


Those molasses can be consumed with water.


For an improved flavor, a fibroid sufferer can also mix molasses in a cup of milk. Other than decreasing fibroid size, please note that blackstrap molasses can also fight anemia which is one of many uterine fibroid symptoms you have to be on the look out for.


Fermented soy beans are also a component of the list of natural fibroid remedies.


Those soy beans can be purchased from health food outlets, or online. They ought to be consumed once each day, either in tablet form, or in their exact form.

Consuming fermented soy beans each day will surely help shrink fibroids the natural way and also minimize the symptoms.


Seeing that fibroid tumor can evolve from hormonal imbalances, an alternative fibroid therapy ensures that the h2o you consume and bathe in is totally filtered and possesses zero environmental contaminants.


Environmental pollutants, after all, affect a woman’s hormonal stability, hence, viewed as one of many natural fibroid solutions is filtering h2o in order to ward off the likelihood of imbalances.


In order to get rid of uterine fibroid symptoms and also the fibroids proper, lowering the body’s estrogen generation is necessary.


To minimize extra estrogen, there are particular food items that ladies should consume, to be precise, bitter food items like grapefruit, artichokes, lettuce…and more ( See Details Here )

There are quite a number of effective and safe approaches to shrink fibroids the natural way. Recall, although most natural fibroid solutions aren’t ‘get cured quick’ approaches, meaning that you may have to hang on for a short period of time for you to shrink your uterine tumors totally.


But, there is a Pure Organic Way to make this journey faster, which enables you to shrink your fibroid and totally eniminate the particles within 90 days.


This Organic Solution has just been discovered not long ago and it has been helping many people both within and outside the country getting quick and permanent solution from fibroid.


You Can also Check it Out Here


Stay healthy and never give up!


Green Remedies International Ltd

Tel/SMS/Whatsapp: +2348164943199


8 Things to Be Conscious of if You Are Planning to Get Pregnant Fri, 03 Sep 2021 17:10:43 +0000

The goal of every pregnancy is the delivery of a healthy baby to a healthy mother. However, this journey to motherhood can be made easier and healthier when it is well planned and prepared for. Several factors affect the ease of getting pregnant as well as the health of both mother and baby in pregnancy and afterwards. Planning your pregnancy helps you avoid or reduce pregnancy complications, give birth to a healthier baby, recover faster following your delivery and minimize your child’s risk of illness in the future.

It is generally advised that couples trying to achieve a pregnancy have unprotected intercourse two or three times a week within the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle. We do not recommend that couples time intercourse with ovulation as this causes considerable stress and is counterproductive. Women have their peak fertility in their mid to late twenties and the chance of conception reduces significantly after the age of 35 while the peak of sexual performance for men is between 21 and 24 years of age with a slight decline until 30 years and an individually different yet stronger decline thereafter. 

The ideal body mass index (BMI) for conception is 20 – 25kg/m2. The BMI is an indicator of your ideal body weight for your height. Women with a BMI under 20 or over 30 have a lower chance of achieving conception than women within the normal range. Accordingly if you have either a low or high BMI it is advisable to manage your weight appropriately.


Having a healthy metabolism and a healthy BMI in particular plays a vital role in maintaining sound hormonal balance. It is recommended to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats and instead eat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins. Examples of food rich in protein include lean meat, fish, cheese, egg and dairy products. Fruits and vegetables of course are rich in vitamins. Carbohydrates such as bread, sugar, noodles, flour, potatoes and fats such as oil and butter for instance, should be consumed in moderate quantities only.

Beverages such as coffee and tea containing caffeine is best avoided or at least taken in minimal quantities. Women planning for pregnancy are advised to limit their caffeine intake to 200mg per day (just about a normal sized tea-cup) or better still they could indulge in decaffeinated coffee or tea.


Smokers have a reduced chance of conception and it decreases fertility considerably. It has been scientifically proven that passive smoking also significantly reducing the chances of conception. Both partners should quit smoking about 90 days prior to fertility treatment to give sufficient time for the production of healthy reproductive gametes.


Reducing alcohol intake will improve your chances of achieving a pregnancy and excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause abnormalities and birth defects in the baby.

Folic Acid

The most common congenital malformation seen in newborns is spina bifida or split spine which is a neural tube defect. it can be reduced if women take 5mg of folic Acid daily when planning to get pregnant and during the early stages of pregnancy. Furthermore other malformations such as cleft lip as well as pathological variations of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, ureters, urethra and the limbs can possibly be prevented by taking folic acid.

Exercise, which means keeping fit physically, helps the body stay in shape. A healthy exercise program includes 30 minutes of moderate exercise such as walking, cycling and aerobics about 3 times a week. This is preferable to intermittent activity and vigorous exercise is not advisable. Exercise should be preceded by a 5 minute warm-up, such as slow walking, to adequately prime the body for exercise.

Rest and Relaxation
It is important to have enough rest and sleep for at least 5 – 6 hours at night while trying to conceive


If you’re having difficulty getting pregnant, know that there is help available. Many couples put off treatment, waiting for a miracle or thinking they should just “try a little longer” first. This is a mistake. Some causes of infertility worsen with time. The sooner you get help, the more likely fertility treatments will work for you.

It’s true that you and your partner may have no signs or symptoms of a fertility problem. You may have a textbook 28-day menstrual cycle, but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed fast and smooth results when trying to get pregnant, and that doesn’t mean you may not have a fertility problem, For this reason, if you’ve been trying to conceive for one year (or six months if you’re 35 years or older), Don’t wait! Get remedy with Natural Fertility Kit.

Click Here if you would like to get natural fertility kit.



Green Remedies International

Tel/SMS/WhatsApp: +2348164943199

