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Signs It’s Time to Clean Up the Toxins in Your Body

Toxins are harmful, poisonous substance in the body. Our body is exposed to various physical and environmental sources that invites these toxins. Toxins can also be accumulated internally without an external agent.

6 Proven Health Benefits of Dates You didn’t know of

Dates have become quite popular in recent years in Nigeria, although people are unaware of the potential benefits of adding Dates to their diets. This article will discuss 6 health benefits of eating dates including to boost fertility….

The 4 Easy Steps to Cure Stubborn Fibroids Without Surgery

Uterine fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyomas or fibroids are abnormal, non-cancerous growths in a woman’s uterus especially during childbearing age. The growths are more common from age 30 to the early stage of menopause. The growths which are tumors, are usually benign and smooth but not cancerous….

Cure Toilet Infection Today with these 5 Simple Steps

Yeast Infection, popularly known as toilet infection is a fungal infection called Candida albicans. It causes pain, itching, or inflammation in the genital area of a female. It may sometimes occur in the penis or scrotum area of the male, albeit not as common…

Vaginal Infections: Different types and best way to get rid of them

Are you experiencing vaginal itching, pain, or other discomfort? It could be a vaginal infection. Medication, contraception, sexual activity, and more can make your vagina feel uncomfortable or cause changes in the smell and appearance of discharge, signaling a vaginal infection, sometimes called vaginitis. Most often, infections are triggered by bacteria, fungus, or irritants from soap […]

FIBROID: What They Are And How to Treat Them

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus composed of muscle and fibrous tissues. When the normal uterine cells grow abnormally, it will develop into a benign tumor. Fibroids are also called fibromas, myomas, or leiomyomas. These are not associated with uterine cancer and in fact, they usually do not develop into a cancer. Uterine fibroids are very […]

8 Things to Be Conscious of if You Are Planning to Get Pregnant

The goal of every pregnancy is the delivery of a healthy baby to a healthy mother. However, this journey to motherhood can be made easier and healthier when it is well planned and prepared for. Several factors affect the ease of getting pregnant as well as the health of both mother and baby in pregnancy […]


Female infertility refers to infertility in female humans. Infertility is caused by many things, including nutrition, diseases, and other malformations of the uterus. Female infertility affects women from around the world, and the cultural and social stigma surrounding it varies from one place to another. Of course, the stigma against women suffering from infertility is […]

How to Calculate the Menstrual Cycle & Ovulation Period

Most ladies don’t understand this because of much heavy grammar used to teach it, and we don’t listen to our body too. Pls read, start listening to your body for signs and follow the simple analysis/steps for ease of getting pregnant… MENSTRUAL PERIOD:The time blood flows out of your private area, when you use pad. […]

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